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Director of Bands to be Guest Conductor

Posted on Thursday, January 7, 2010

Dr. R. Tad Greig, Westminster College associate professor and director of bands, will be guest conductor for two band festivals in January.

Westminster will host the Lawrence County Honors Band Jan. 7 for a day-long rehearsal and festival, culminating in a concert conducted by Greig at 7:30 p.m. in Orr Auditorium. The band will include 120 students in grades nine-12 who were selected to participate by their respective band directors.

The Allegheny Valley High School Honors Band will be held Jan. 20-21, and is hosted by Chad Himler at Hampton High School. One hundred students (grades nine-12) were selected by audition for placement in the band, which includes North Allegheny, North Hills, Pine-Richland, Fox Chapel, Shaler, and Northgate High Schools.

The Allegheny Valley festival includes two full days of rehearsals, followed by an evening concert, all under Greig's direction. This is the third time Greig has been invited as guest conductor for this event.

"It is always an honor and a pleasure to have the opportunity to work with our area's finest musicians," Greig said.

Greig, who serves as chair of Westminster's Department of Music, joined the faculty in 1995. He earned an undergraduate degree from Grove City College, a master's from Youngstown State University, and Ph.D. from Kent State University.

Contact Greig at (724) 946-7279 or e-mail for more information.

Dr. R. Tad Greig