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History and Sociology Majors Presented Senior Capstone Projects

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Posted on Monday, January 25, 2010

Fourteen Westminster College senior history majors and 20 senior sociology majors presented their capstone research Dec. 11.

Faculty advisers for the history projects were Dr. Patricia Clark, associate professor; Dr. Timothy Cuff, associate professor and First-Year Program coordinator; and Dr. David Twining, professor.

The sociology capstones were organized by the concept of social capital. Students read Robert D. Putnam's book Bowling Alone: The Collapse and Revival of American Community, then proposed a final project in relation to the book. Social capital is defined as the "connections among individuals, social networks and the norms of reciprocity and trustworthiness that arises from them."

Sociology faculty advisers were Dr. Gary Lilly, associate professor and director of institutional research; Dr. Kristin Park, associate professor; and Kristenne Robison, instructor.

At Westminster, the final component of liberal studies is a senior study, or capstone, course. The capstone is a four-semester-hour (minimum) course within the major designed to provide an opportunity for students to evaluate and assess the strengths and limitations of their major field.

The capstone experience permits opportunity for structured reflection on the value of education in and beyond the major and provides an opportunity to strengthen communication and problem-solving skills.

Contact Cuff at (724) 946-6152 (e-mail or Robison at (724) 946-6033 (e-mail for more information.