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History Professor Presented at University of Munich

Posted on Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Dr. Timothy Cuff, Westminster College associate professor of history, presented a paper at the Conference on Anthropometrics Jan. 8 at the University of Munich's IFO Institute for Economic Research in Germany.

Cuff's presentation, "Pennsylvania, Scotland, and Elsewhere: The Importance of Anthropometric History," highlighted the contributions which anthropometric history has made to a more nuanced understanding of human welfare and its relationship to economic development.

The conference celebrated the retirement of John Komlos, one of the preeminent researchers in the field of anthropometric history and editor of the journal Economics and Human Biology. Komlos was Cuff's dissertation adviser.

According to Cuff, anthropometric history is a branch of economic history that draws on insights from the biological sciences, particularly human growth and development, to study and describe changes in human (physical) well-being over time. Generally, it is used to study time periods when economic statistics are not available, but body measurements are.

Cuff, who is also the coordinator of Westminster's First Year Program, has been with Westminster since 2000. He earned an undergraduate degree from Westminster, master's from Bowling Green State University, and master's and Ph.D. from the University of Pittsburgh.

Contact Cuff at (724) 946-6152 or e-mail for more information.

Dr. Timothy Cuff