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Psychology Major Published Online

Posted on Thursday, March 4, 2010

Westminster College junior psychology major Matthew Facciani wrote "The Clinical Neuropsychological Experience" published in the spring issue of Undergraduate Update, an online publication of the Association for Psychological Science.

Facciani is a son of Patrick and Joanne Facciani of Cranberry Township and a graduate of Seneca Valley High School.

In the article, Facciani shares his passion for the relatively new field of neuropsychology, "the great synthesis of neuroscience and psychology." He describes a clinical neuropsychology internship last summer that helped reinforce his decision to become a clinical neuropsychologist.

Visit to read the article.

Facciani serves as president of the Westminster chapter of Psi Chi, the national honor society in psychology, and is in the Department of Psychology's Honors program. His faculty advisers on his Honors thesis project are Dr. Alan Gittis, professor of psychology, and Dr. Kirk Lunnen, associate professor.

"Matt is working on an Honors project that relates decision-making to neural processes," Gittis said. "Also collaborating on the project is John Petrocelli, a 1997 Westminster psychology graduate who is now on the faculty of Wake Forest University."

Contact Gittis at (724) 946-7358 or e-mail for more information.

Matt Facciani