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Music Professor Performed in Washington, D.C.

Posted on Monday, March 15, 2010

Dr. Anne Hagan Bentz, Westminster College associate professor of music, was the featured soloist with the Friday Morning Music Club Feb. 26 at Sumner Museum in Washington, D.C.

Bentz, a soprano who has been a member of the club for about 10 years, was accompanied by club members David Chapman on piano and Michael Bowyer on flute.

Her program included "Villanelle" from Les Nuits d'Ete by Hector Berlioz; "Elegie" by Jules Massent; "Tornami a vagghegiar" by Georg Frederic Handel; and "The Smoking Aria" from The Secret of Susannah by Ermanno Wolf-Ferrari.

Bentz, who joined the Westminster faculty in 2001, earned an undergraduate degree from the University of Delaware and doctorate from the University of Maryland.

The Friday Morning Music Club is a professional organization that provides recitals and performances at a variety of venues throughout the metropolitan Washington area. Membership is by audition.

Contact Bentz at (724) 946-6045 or e-mail for more information.

Dr. Anne Hagan Bentz at the Friday Morning Music Club