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Fraternity Recognized with National Awards

Posted on Monday, August 16, 2010

Westminster College's chapter of Phi Kappa Tau was recognized at the national fraternity's convention in Denver with awards for community service, philanthropy, and recruitment.

The Community Service Award was earned by contributing more than 20 hours per man during the 2009-2010 academic year. The brothers volunteered as tutors, Sunday school teachers, and in support of community service events sponsored by other Greek organizations on campus.

The Westminster chapter received the Order of the Star Award, given to the top Phi Tau chapters in the nation based on criteria that includes philanthropy money raised, community service hours donated, recruitment efforts, and alumni relations.

To qualify for the Philanthropy Award, the local chapter donated $1,500 to the Hole in the Wall camps, the fraternity's national philanthropy founded by the late actor Paul Newman, and an additional $1,500 to local charities, including the City Rescue Mission and Big Brothers/Big Sisters.

The Westminster chapter also earned the Recruitment Pacesetter Award for having one of the largest recruitment classes.

Senior English major Mike Disotell, president of the Westminster chapter, was elected to serve as one of the six inaugural members of the fraternity's Undergraduate Advisory Board.

"Since the six of us are the initial advisory board, one of our main goals is to create the mission statement and framework of what our role will be to the national office," Disotell said. "So far, we have agreed that we will be liaisons between the national board and the undergraduate members to keep the lines of communication open. We plan to take an active role in regional conferences, as we know how important peer-to-peer discussions are in making sure the national fraternity is moving in the right direction."

Founded in 1906, Phi Kappa Tau is a national collegiate fraternity that fosters the core ideals of learning, leading, and serving within its membership.

Contact Disotell (e-mail for additional information.

Phi Kappa Tau
Mike Disotell