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Philosophy Professor Presented in Greece

Posted on Monday, September 6, 2010

Dr. David Goldberg, Westminster College associate professor of philosophy, presented a paper at the International Symposium of the Olympic Center of Philosophy and Culture July 25-29 in Olympia, Greece.

Goldberg presented "Plato's Error: Nietzsche's Confrontation with Platonic Dualism" on the theme "Plato, Platonism and the Moderns." The paper examined Nietzsche's analysis of Platonic dualism.

The main focus of the conference was on the Ancients, particularly the Greek philosophers. It included a variety of institutions from countries around the world, including Greece, Serbia, Germany, England, Japan, and the United States.

"This was my third time presenting at the conference," Goldberg said. "I have always found it to be engaging and stimulating, as the participants are both experienced scholars within the field as well as up-and-coming graduate students."

Goldberg, who joined the Westminster faculty in 2002, earned undergraduate and master's degrees from The Pennsylvania State University and Ph.D. from Duquesne University.

Contact Goldberg at (724) 946-7153 or e-mail for additional information.

Dr. David Goldberg (center) with two graduate students