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Planetarium to Present "Dawn of the Space Age"

Posted on Monday, September 13, 2010

"Dawn of the Space Age" will be presented over several dates in the coming weeks in the Westminster College Planetarium, room 116 of the Hoyt Science Resources Center.

Dr. Thomas Oberst, Westminster assistant professor of physics and director of the planetarium, will host hour-long screenings of "Dawn of the Space Age" at 6:30 p.m. Sept. 15 and 25, and Nov. 10 and 20. Additional 5 p.m. screenings are scheduled for Saturdays, Sept. 25 and Nov. 20.

"Dawn of the Space Age" is just one of three shows which will each have several screenings in the fall. Details on all shows are available at

From the launch of the first artificial satellite to the magnificent lunar landings and privately-operated space flights, prepare to be immersed and awed by the most historically-accurate reconstruction of man's first steps into space.

Using the planetarium's digital 360-degree dome projector, "Dawn of the Space Age" begins with the launch of Sputnik and covers important Russian space history as well as the American Gemini, Apollo, and shuttle programs; the Viking mission to Mars; and the Voyager mission to the outer planets. Also included are segments on the International Space Station, the X-prize-winning private spaceship, and future Mars exploration.

Weather permitting, rooftop stargazing will follow the 6:30 p.m. screenings.

The program is free and open to the public. However, reservations are necessary due to limited seating. Reservations, including private showings for larger groups, can be made by contacting Westminster's Physics Department at (724) 946-7200 Monday-Friday, 8:30 a.m-4:30 p.m., e-mail, or completing the online form at