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Mortar Board Chapter Received National Award

Posted on Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Westminster College's Mortar Board Chapter was among the outstanding chapters honored for excellence at the 2010 Mortar Board National Conference July 23-25 in Chicago.

Westminster's Target Chapter was one of 77 that received the Silver Torch Award for meeting chapter management standards and exemplifying the ideals of scholarship, leadership, and service.

Chapter President Ashley Patterson accepted the award.

Patterson, a senior communication studies major, is a daughter of Randall and Terri Patterson of Mercer and a graduate of Grove City Area High School.

Mortar Board is a national honor society that recognizes college seniors for outstanding achievement in scholarship, leadership, and service. Westminster's Target Chapter was chartered in 1955 and currently has 27 members. Candidates must have a grade point average in the top one-third of the junior class and have demonstrated leadership on- and off-campus to be considered for membership.

Contact Patterson at for additional information.

Ashley Patterson with the Silver Torch Award