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English Professor's Play Accepted for Pittsburgh Theatre Festival

Posted on Friday, September 17, 2010

Language Barrier, a play written by Dr. Andrew Ade, Westminster College associate professor of English, has been accepted for production in the seventh annual Theatre Festival in Black and White, the Pittsburgh Playwrights Theatre Company's fall showcase for new one-act plays by Pittsburgh-area writers.

Language Barrier is the story of two collaborating women graduate students whose blossoming friendship is destroyed after an undergraduate student reveals a personal secret during a campus office visit.

"I wanted to dramatize how a galvanizing sociopolitical issue can divide people in otherwise strong human relationships due to their refusal to compromise their opposing ideological positions," Ade said.

The first reading of Language Barrier was at Westminster in February 2009. The roles of the graduate students were read by Dr. Helen Boylan, Westminster associate professor of chemistry, and Dr. Pamela Richardson, Westminster assistant professor of mathematics. Kirstyn Gecina, a 2010 Westminster graduate, read the part of the undergraduate student, and Chelsea Gallo, currently a junior theatre and communication studies major, read the stage directions.

Gallo is a daughter of Duane and Kelly Gallo of Perryopolis and a graduate of Frazier High School.

Ade completed the final rewrite of the play during a residency fellowship at Hambridge Center in Georgia over the summer. It will be performed in repertory for eight performances over three weekends beginning Oct. 15. Visit for performance times and other information.

"It's exciting to think that, half a dozen rewrites later, this play that began at Westminster will now be produced in Pittsburgh's Cultural District," Ade said.

This is the second of Ade's plays to be accepted at the Theatre Festival in Black and White. A Question of Taste won Best Play honors in 2007.

Ade, who has been with Westminster since 2003, earned an undergraduate degree from Northwestern University and master's and Ph.D. from the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill.

Contact Ade at (724) 946-7349 or e-mail for additional information.

Dr. Andrew Ade