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Art Gallery to Host Guest Artist for Talk

Posted on Thursday, September 23, 2010

The Westminster College Art Gallery will host Martha Ressler for an image talk on her work Thursday, Oct. 7, at 6 p.m. in room 215 Patterson Hall. The talk is free and open to the public.

Ressler's fabric art is part of the current Westminster display, "Past Present," a traveling exhibit presented by Associated Artists of Pittsburgh in celebration of their centennial year. This juried exhibition is the result of the jurors' concept, the artists' response, and the jurors' selection.

Ressler's main medium is art quilts, also known as "contemporary quilts," "fiber art," or "soft paintings," that have their roots in early American quilting. She will discuss recent developments in art quilts and fiber art and her journey as an artist.

Contact Peggy Cox, Westminster professor of art, at (724) 946-7266 or e-mail for additional information.

Martha Ressler
Fiber collage: OH H___!
Art quilt: By the Light of the Moon and the Glow of the Arc Furnace