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Chemistry Professor Attended National Meeting

Posted on Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Dr. Peter Smith, Westminster College associate professor of chemistry, attended the national meeting of the American Chemical Society Aug. 23-25 in Boston.

As treasurer of the organization's Division of Professional Relations, Smith participated in a day-long strategic planning session that resulted in a new mission statement and two new outcomes with their associated goals and strategies.

He participated in the executive committee meeting that included presentation of the 2010 financial report and a draft of the 2011 budget, and participated in the division's Town Hall Forum to introduce the new subdivision structure to members.

Smith attended the SciMix poster session, a "Best of the Best" session whose participants were chosen by the symposium organizers, and attended the exposition.

Smith, who joined the Westminster faculty in 2002, earned an undergraduate degree and Ph.D. from the University of Tennessee.

Contact Smith at (724) 946-7299 or e-mail for additional information.

Dr. Peter Smith