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Music Instructor Published in Journal

Posted on Thursday, October 7, 2010

Perry Gatch, Westminster College adjunct music faculty, was recently published in the PMEA Journal, a publication of the Pennsylvania Music Educators Association.

The article, "Teaching Mallets Successfully is a Balancing Act," provides instruction on appropriate stick technique, exercises to develop better balance and control, and outcomes for what this type of preparation will give the young percussionist.

At Westminster, Gatch teaches coursework in basic conducting and percussion pedagogy; conducts the Percussion Ensemble; and plays drum set for the Faculty Jazz Quartet. In addition, Gatch teaches at Duquesne University, is an active performer, and has one of the largest percussion studios in the Pittsburgh area.

Gatch earned undergraduate and master's degrees from Duquesne University.

Contact Gatch at (724) 946-6266 or e-mail for additional information.

Perry Gatch