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Wind Ensemble to Present Young Conductors Concert Oct. 29

Posted on Wednesday, October 20, 2010

The Westminster College Wind Ensemble will present its eighth annual Young Conductors Concert Friday, Oct. 29, at 7:30 p.m. in Orr Auditorium. The program is free and open to the public.

Three music education majors will each conduct a selection:

Junior Natalie Bok will conduct "Suite on Celtic Folk Songs" by Tomohiro Tatebe. Bok is a daughter of Sandra Bok of Sharpsville and a graduate of Sharpsville High School. In addition to Wind Ensemble, she is involved in Jazz Ensemble, Marching Band, Symphonic Band, Orchestra, Percussion Ensemble, Brass Sextet, musical pit, Mu Phi Epsilon professional music fraternity, and Pennsylvania Collegiate Music Educators Association.

Junior Aaron McAfee will conduct Claude T. Smith's "Jubilant Prelude." McAfee is a son of Kevin and Kimberly McAfee of Butler and a graduate of Butler Area High School. In addition to the Wind Ensemble, he is active in Symphonic Band, Titan Marching Band, Jazz Ensemble, and Saxophone Quartet. He has served as president of Pennsylvania Collegiate Music Educators Association for two years and will direct the pit orchestra for the Chapel Drama in the spring.

Senior Emilie Stuart will conduct "Hold This Boy and Listen" by Carter Pann. Stuart is a daughter of Jerome and Sandra Stuart of Carlisle and a graduate of Carlisle High School. In addition to Wind Ensemble, she is involved in Women's Chorus, Marching Band, Symphonic Band, Percussion Ensemble, and Handbell Choir. She is a member of Mu Phi Epsilon professional music fraternity, Pennsylvania Collegiate Music Educators Association, and Pi Sigma Pi honor society. She teaches private piano lessons through the Music Intern Teaching Program and assists with some of its administrative duties. She is active in her church's music ministry, serving as organist last summer.

Additional selections on the program include: "Ride" by Samuel Hazo; "Orient and Occident" by Camille Saint-Saens; and John Mackey's "Strange Humors."

The Young Conductors concert was created by Dr. R. Tad Greig, associate professor and chair of Westminster's Department of Music, to provide a challenge and an experiential opportunity for music education majors.

Students must audition by conducting the Wind Ensemble in front of a panel of expert judges from other colleges and universities. Greig selects no more than three winners from the auditions.

Those chosen are each assigned a selection. They are responsible for lesson plans for each rehearsal, which are videotaped for evaluating the experience.

"The Wind Ensemble is an exceptional group of musicians," Greig said. "The young conductors have the opportunity to rehearse, detect errors, and articulate their ideas to the ensemble both verbally and non-verbally."

Contact Greig at (724) 946-7279 or e-mail for additional information.

(L-r) Emilie Stuart, Aaron McAfee, Natalie Bok
Wind Ensemble