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Todd Hervey '94 Earns Westminster AV Media Support Services Award

Posted on Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Todd Hervey, a 1994 Westminster College graduate and award-winning special projects director/editor at Fuel Creative, Inc., earned Westminster's 2010 Outstanding and Dedicated Audio Visual Media Support Services Award.

Hervey, a broadcast major, worked in Westminster's AV Services Department from 1992-1994.

He is co-owner of Fuel Creative, Inc., a successful production company. He has provided direction and consultation to assist Westminster students over the years, most recently by providing detailed reviews and serving as a judge for this year's AV Week Titan Terror Project.

His work has won numerous awards, including: an Emmy for editing at KDKA; Best Armed Forces Video award for an ROTC video; and four gold and three silver Tellys for videos about the Boy Scouts, the blind, and other topics.

"To be as successful as Todd has been through the range of client projects he has worked on, he unquestionably has to exhibit the characteristics of this award consistently," said Gary Swanson, Westminster director of AV services. "Regardless of the budget level of his client, he gives them his best work every time, the same as he did when he was a student here at Westminster. His work is outstanding."

Hervey and his wife, Pam Dancu Hervey, and twins Cole and Camryn reside in Glen Allen, Va.

The award is open to all qualifying Westminster alumni and is an annual presentation that coincides with International Audio Visual Week. Previous honorees include 2007 winner Mark Slezak '87, an elementary teacher from Hermitage; 2008's Denny Wolfe '97, an Emmy Award-winning ESPN producer; and 2009 honoree Betsy Nolan Sieg '07, purchasing manager for Metro Bank.

Details on the award, past winners, and how to nominate someone for the 2011 award are available at

Contact Swanson at (724) 946-7188 or e -mail for additional information.

(L-r) Camryn, Todd, and Cole Hervey