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Music Professor was Guest Soloist with Youngstown Symphony Orchestra

Posted on Friday, November 5, 2010

Dr. Nancy Zipay DeSalvo, Westminster College associate professor of music, was guest soloist with the Youngstown (Ohio) Symphony Orchestra Oct. 24 at Powers Auditorium.

Jack Hanna, director emeritus of the Columbus (Ohio) Zoo and Aquarium and host of Jack Hanna's In the Wild television program, narrated a poem to DeSalvo's piano accompaniment of "Carnival of the Animals" by Saint Saens.

Additional Westminster music faculty in the orchestra were: Jeff Bremer, adjunct, on double bass; Robert Cole, adjunct, on French horn; and Jason Howard, visiting assistant professor, on cello.

DeSalvo, who has been with Westminster since 2000, earned an undergraduate degree from Youngstown State University, master's from Manhattan School of Music, and doctorate from The Cleveland Institute of Music.

Contact DeSalvo at (724) 946-7023 or e-mail for additional information.

Jack Hanna and Dr. Nancy Zipay DeSalvo