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Students Attended Creative Careers Seminar

Posted on Monday, November 8, 2010

Nearly 30 Westminster College students attended the Creative Careers Seminar Oct. 29 at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh.

The majority of the students were broadcast communications majors from classes taught by Bradley Weaver, Westminster broadcast communications lecturer.

"I require my capstone students to attend as the event is an outstanding venue for networking opportunities," Weaver said. "They meet and talk with a number of professionals involved in writing, media, and communications. I also enjoy attending as it keeps me up to date with the professionals."

Senior English major Matt Bower left the seminar with something most college seniors wish they had: an invitation to interview for an internship with Schell Games, a gaming design firm in Pittsburgh.

"I got an interview with a game designer in a fledgling industry in Pittsburgh," Bower said. "It's a really cool opportunity."

Junior broadcast communications major Drew Trifelos walked away with an opportunity to set up an interview for an internship with the Steelers Sports Network.

"This year I had résumés and was prepared to ask panelists about internships," Trifelos said. "I handed out two résumés and was asked to also e-mail electronic versions."

"I've attended the seminar with my students for two years," Weaver said. "I've learned that writing professionals want to hire people who are skilled at blogging and updating company pages on Facebook and Twitter."

"I met a lot of interesting people, including some Westminster graduates in public relations and broadcasting," said junior public relations major Patrick Sylves. "I made a lot of contacts and learned about possible internships."

Sophomore broadcast communications major Hannah Paczkowski appreciated the Film and Television panel session she attended: "I'm on the right track for where I want to go in my career. I know where I should be going in the next few years with internships."

Additional panel sessions included Advertising and Marketing; Design and Multimedia; Arts Management; Film and Broadcast Media; Independent Artists; and Performing Arts.

Westminster's Career Center helped students polish their résumés and arranged transportation to the seminar.

"The Creative Careers Seminar allows the Career Center to better serve those students who want to work in the arts after graduation," said Jackie Meade, Career Center director. "When students can learn from professionals in their fields, there is a greater understanding of what their future holds. We want Westminster students to never stop using the services of the Career Center...We will always be here for you."

"I love working with the Career Center on this event," Weaver said. "It's a great platform to help students think about résumé-building, internships, and portfolios."

Westminster is a member of the Pittsburgh Arts Employment Partnership, a collaboration of 15 area colleges and universities that sponsored the seminar.

Contact Weaver at (724) 946-7238 or e-mail for additional information.

(L-r) Jessica Rothhaar, Kate Hartman, Allison McKinney
(L-r) Connor Kobis, Ethan Yeager, Robert Maleski, Pat Sylves, Jonathan McAfoos, Adam Plyler
(L-r) Drew Trifelos, Pat Sylves, Hannah Paczkowski