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Philosophy Professor Presents Paper and Organizes Conference

Posted on Monday, April 4, 2011

Dr. David Goldberg, Westminster College associate professor of philosophy, presented a paper at the spring meeting of the West Virginia Philosophical Society March 25-26 at West Virginia Wesleyan College in Buckhannon.

Goldberg, who serves as president of the organization, presented "Eternal Recurrence Revisited," a re-examination of Nietzsche's concept of Eternal Recurrence. He was also responsible for evaluating papers and selecting the keynote speaker for the conference that included attendees from six states and Canada.

"I looked at the relationship between an early note of Nietzsche's, titled the Zeitatomenlehre, and how it has been inappropriately applied to understanding what Nietzsche termed his ‘most abysmal' thought," Goldberg said.

Goldberg, who has been with Westminster since 2002, earned undergraduate and master's degrees from The Pennsylvania State University and Ph.D. from Duquesne University.

Contact Goldberg at (724) 946-7153 or e-mail for additional information.

Dr. David Goldberg