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Theatre Westminster to Host Guest Artist April 19

Posted on Friday, April 8, 2011

Theatre Westminster will host actor, dancer, and mime Mark Conway Thompson for a performance of Flight from Himself Tuesday, April 19, at 7 p.m. in Beeghly Theater.  The event is free and open to the public.

Thompson portrays a man looking back and puzzling over his life, feeling disappointment at his failures, the temerity of his choices, his own ordinariness, and discovering that in one's dying breath a new beginning is possible.  The transforming experience is the old man's dream of Icarus, the bird-boy of Greek mythology who flew on wings of wax and feathers too close to the sun and, when the wax wings melted, fell into the sea.

Thompson, who specializes in physical expression, has performed throughout the U.S., France, Italy, and Germany.  He founded the Pittsburgh Mime Theater and created the Firebird Project: A Center for Theater Research.  He teaches in the drama department at Duquesne University and has teaching experience at Duke University, Carnegie Mellon University, Indiana University of Pennsylvania, Colorado College, the University of Brazil in Porto Allegre, the University of Munich, and Point Park College.

Contact Dr. Scott Mackenzie, Westminster associate professor of theatre, at (724) 946-6238 or email for additional information.

Mark Conway Thompson