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Students Selected for "Who's Who"

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Posted on Monday, April 18, 2011

Westminster College students selected for inclusion in the 2010-2011 edition of Who's Who among Students in American Colleges and Universities were honored at an April 13 reception in the McKelvey Campus Center.

The event, sponsored by Westminster's Student Government Association (SGA), featured congratulatory remarks from Westminster President Dr. Richard Dorman and Vice President for Academic Affairs and Dean of the College Dr. Jesse Mann.

Criteria for consideration include: junior or senior standing; 3.5 or better cumulative grade point average; community involvement; participation and leadership experience in school organization and extra-curricular activities at Westminster. 

Beth Brooks, executive secretary in the Student Affairs Office and liaison to SGA, said, "The Who's Who recognition gala has become a spring tradition.  Honorees are given the opportunity to invite a faculty or staff member of the Westminster community who has been a positive influence in their campus experience.  This serves the dual purpose of recognizing the students' achievements and highlighting the encompassing support and encouragement that typifies Westminster."

Contact Brooks at (724) 946-7111 or e-mail for additional information.