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Dr. Phyllis Kitzerow Earns Henderson Lecturership Award

Posted on Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Dr. Phyllis Kitzerow, Westminster College professor of sociology, has earned the 2011-2012 Henderson Lectureship Award.

The Henderson Lecture was founded by the late Dr. Joseph R. Henderson and his wife, Elizabeth, to encourage and recognize original and continuing research and scholarship among Westminster College faculty, and to afford the opportunity for faculty to share their learning with the academic community.  Dr. Henderson was a professor of education emeritus at Westminster, having served as chair of the Department of Education and as director of the Graduate Program.

Each year, Westminster faculty members may nominate themselves or others to receive the lectureship, which includes a stipend to support a specific research project.  A faculty committee chooses the winner.

Kitzerow's lecture will focus on her continuing research with women who graduated from law school by 1975.  Her interviews follow a group of 65 women to examine their career paths, experiences, and the effect of gender on their legal careers.

Kitzerow, who joined the Westminster faculty in 1978, earned an undergraduate degree from the University of Wisconsin and master's and Ph.D. from the University of Pittsburgh.

The 2011-2012 lecture is scheduled for Wednesday, Oct. 12, in the Witherspoon Maple Room of the McKelvey Campus Center.

Contact Kitzerow at (724) 946-7252 or e-mail for more information.

Dr. Phyllis Kitzerow