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AV Services Announces Launch of "Titan Terror II"

Posted on Monday, May 2, 2011

Westminster College Audio Visual Services, Titan Radio, and WCN-TV announce the launch of Titan Terror II, a short film contest.

The contest is open to Westminster students, faculty, staff, alumni, and residents of Lawrence and Mercer counties.  The challenge is to create a scary, thrilling, or mysterious mini-movie (three minutes or less) without the use of graphic or gratuitous violence or gore.

Contestants may use cell phones, Flip video cameras, or any digital camera to record their story and edit it with any computer-based software available to them.  Filmmakers of all experience levels are encouraged to enter.

Entries will be submitted electronically and must be received by Friday, Sept. 30.  A showcase of the top 10 is scheduled for Tuesday, Oct. 18, when prizes will be given for first, second, and third places, as well as an audience choice award.

Visit for complete details and instructions for entering.

Contact Gary Swanson, director of AV Services, at (724) 946-7188 (email or Bradley Weaver, broadcast communications lecturer, at (724) 946-7238 (email for additional information.