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AV Services Holds Most Successful E-Recycling Drive to Date

Posted on Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Westminster College's Audio Visual Services hosted an electronics recycling drive May 7 that collected over 10,000 pounds of expired or unused technology, making it the most successful of the four drives held and bringing the total collection to more than 21,000 pounds.

Participants paid a small fee to drop off appliances, televisions, computers, gaming systems, and other outdated technology for responsible disposal by A GreenSpan Computer Recycling, Inc., a certified E-Steward recycler from Pittsburgh.  The E-Steward certification identifies recyclers that responsibly reuse and/or safely break down the items within North America.  The fees collected help cover that expense.  Westminster provides the drop-off site, volunteers its services, and retains no money from the fees.

AV Services Director Gary Swanson and staff members volunteered to assist with unloading the collected items.

"I can't say enough great things about our staff," Swanson said.  "These students understand that discarding technology isn't something that should be done carelessly and often requires a great deal of effort to do it responsibly.  They have taken it upon themselves to make it easier for others by coordinating drives like this, giving up their time, and convincing me that they're having a great time sweating instead of sleeping in."

Swanson applauded the efforts of Green AV Team, a subcommittee of staff members that manages the department's environmental initiatives and coordinates the recycling drives.  The team is already planning the next drive, scheduled for October.

Contact Swanson at (724) 946-7188 (email or visit for additional information on the recycling drive, battery recycling program, used equipment hand-off, and other green initiatives.