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Fraternities and Sororities Raised Over $13,000 During Greek Week

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Posted on Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Westminster College's fraternities and sororities raised over $13,000 in money and canned goods during Greek Week 2011.

Penny Wars resulted in a $9,200 donation to Cystic Fibrosis Foundation in honor of Claire Hartner, daughter of Eric and Kelly Hartner, Westminster enterprise network manager.

According to Camille Hawthorne, associate dean of student affairs, a generous donation came from off campus.  "PennStar Federal Credit Union and Fidelity Courier Services assisted us with counting all of the coins and donated $500.  That donation was divided, with $100 going to Cystic Fibrosis and $400 to Royal Family Kids Camp."

Throughout the week, Westminster's Student Government Association (SGA) Service Committee collected over 6,000 food items for the food bank at Southwest Gardens in Farrell.  The food drive was organized by SGA Service Chair Erica Szewczyk.

The brothers of Sigma Phi Epsilon fraternity collected donations at "Sing 'n Swing."  According to Hawthorne, the crowd was generous in their giving, with a gift of $740 going to the Richard J. Sentner Family Trust.

"Sing 'n Swing" also included awards to fraternities, sororities, and individuals:
• Scott Renninger Service Award for outstanding service to Greeks - Paula Ferguson, Orr and Beeghly stage manager
• Greek Adviser of the Year - Dr. Terri Lenox, associate professor of computer science and adviser to Alpha Sigma Phi fraternity
• Scholarship award - Sigma Kappa sorority with a 3.420 grade point average
• Spirit award - Zeta Tau Alpha sorority and Alpha Sigma Phi fraternity
• Sportsmanship award - Kappa Delta sorority and Phi Kappa Tau fraternity
• Most Valuable Player award - Lexie Elliott and John Bayuk
• Chairs Choice award - Katie Gray and Jared Palonis
• Greek God and Goddess - Matt Bickert and Kate Livingston
• Sing 'n Swing winners - Alpha Gamma Delta sorority and Alpha Sigma Phi fraternity
• Greek Week winners - Alpha Gamma Delta sorority and Sigma Phi Epsilon fraternity

The week's activities were coordinated by Greek Week Chairs Alex Scull and Erika Smith and assistant chairs Marah Alouise and Scott Braden.

Contact Hawthorne at (724) 946-7112 or email for additional information.