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Education Professor Participated in Korean Studies Program

Posted on Thursday, August 25, 2011

Dr. Amy Camardese, Westminster College associate professor of education, participated in the Summer Fellowship in Korean Studies program June 20-July 7.

The program, sponsored by the Korea Foundation, takes participants to Seoul and several other cities to experience and better understand Korea and its people.  The workshop included lectures covering Korea's politics, economy, and society, as well as visits to historic and cultural sites.

The Summer Fellowship in Korean Studies was established to promote awareness of Korean culture and society; to help educators understand the background and needs of Korean American students; and to help educators collect relevant educational materials to teach Korea more effectively.

"One of the highlights of the trip was teaching a lesson about the Amish to a Korean high school class," Camardese said.  "Not one of the 40 students in the class had any knowledge of the Amish culture."

While in Korea, Camardese met with Westminster associate professors Dr. SoYoung Kang (education) and Dr. Kang-Yup Na (religion); Westminster students Addie Domske and Chrissie Moudry; and recent Westminster graduate Katie Gray.  Na and the students were on a six-week study tour of Korea as part of the Summer Service Team sponsored by the New Wilmington Mission Conference.

Camardese, who serves as chair of Westminster's Department of Education, joined the faculty in 2001.  She earned an undergraduate degree from Ohio University, master's degree from the University of Pittsburgh, and Ph.D. from Kent State University.

Contact Camardese at (724) 946-7183 or email for additional information.

(L-r) Katie Gray, Dr. Amy Camardese, Dr. SoYoung Kang, Chrissie Moudry, Addie Domske, Dr. Kang-Yup Na