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Chamber Singers and Concert Choir Plan Winter Tour

Posted on Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Westminster College's Chamber Singers and Concert Choir will sing at several Presbyterian churches in North Carolina, Georgia, and Florida on their annual tour Jan. 6-14.

Under the direction of Dr. Robin Lind, associate professor and director of choral activities, the group of 39 students will begin the "Rejoice Greatly" tour at First Presbyterian Church, Statesville, N.C. (website), with an evening performance Friday, Jan. 6.

Additional concerts are scheduled for Skidaway Island Presbyterian Church (website), Savannah, Ga., Saturday evening and Sunday morning, Jan. 7 and 8; First Presbyterian Church, Dunnellon, Fla., Wednesday evening, Jan. 11; Decatur (Ga.) Presbyterian Church (website) Thursday evening, Jan. 12; and Brevard (N.C.)-Davidson River Presbyterian Church (website), Friday evening, Jan. 12.

Junior Daniel Goffus is the accompanist for the Chamber Singers and sophomore Jessica Kimbell accompanies the Concert Choir.

Selections on the program include Brad Holmes' arrangement of "Noel" by Todd Smith, featuring soloists Goffus, Gregory McClelland, and Andrew McMurray, and percussionists Cody Floyd and Kimbell; and Andrew Bleckner's arrangement of Lowell LaTerza Booth's  "I Will Run and Not Grow Weary" with soloist Kalyn Stevwing.  A variety of classical, traditional, and contemporary works completes the program.

In addition to Lind, the Rev. James Mohr, Westminster chaplain, will travel with the group and offer an introduction at each concert.

Contact Lind at (724) 946-7278 or email for additional information.