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Department of Music to Host "Music Major for a Day"

Posted on Monday, January 9, 2012

The Westminster College Department of Music will host prospective students for the second "Music Major for a Day" program Monday and Tuesday, Jan. 23 and 24.

Visiting students will be paired with an undergraduate music major to attend classes and ensemble rehearsals, meet faculty, and experience college life and the music department environment. 

Students with an interest in wind and percussion instruments will attend Monday; those interested in string instruments or choral music will attend Tuesday.

"As a rural institution with an outstanding music department, it is extremely important that we provide opportunities for prospective music students to experience the Westminster campus," said Dr. R. Tad Greig, associate professor and chair of Westminster's Department of Music.

The department hosts honors events for high school choirs and bands, an annual instrumental assessment festival, and mock interviews for majors to meet with superintendents and principals from schools throughout western Pennsylvania.

"I am so proud of the music program, its faculty and students, and what we have to offer," Greig said.  "One of our primary goals is to continue to spread the word about this very successful program."

Greig, who is director of bands, joined the faculty in 1995.  He earned an undergraduate degree from Grove City College, master's degree from Youngstown State University, and Ph.D. from Kent State University.

Contact Greig at (724) 946-7279 or email for additional information.

Dr. R. Tad Greig and band students