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Music Professor Performed in Washington, D.C.

Posted on Friday, January 20, 2012

Dr. Anne Hagan Bentz, Westminster College associate professor of music, performed Jan. 12-13 as part of the Friday Morning Music Club (FMMC) in Washington, D.C.

The recitals featured selections by Kurt Weil, Reynaldo Hahn, Erik Satie, Jean Paul Martini, and Stephen Foster.  Bentz, a soprano, was accompanied by pianist David Chapman.

The FMMC provides music to venues throughout the Washington metropolitan area.  Bentz has been an active performing member of the professional organization since 1999.

Bentz, who has been with Westminster since 2001, heads the voice division in the Department of Music and is director of Opera Westminster. She earned an undergraduate degree from the University of Delaware, doctorate from the University of Maryland, and an artist's diploma from the Hochschule für Musik und Theater in Hannover, West Germany.

Contact Bentz at (724) 946-6045 or email for additional information.

David Chapman and Dr. Anne Hagan Bentz