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Mathematics Faculty Participated in Joint Mathematics Meetings

Posted on Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Four current faculty and one emerita member of Westminster College's Department of Mathematics and Computer Science participated in the Joint Mathematics Meetings Jan. 4-7 in Boston.

The annual conference brought together members of the American Mathematical Society (AMS) and the Mathematical Association of America (MAA), the two largest mathematics professional organizations in the country.  This year's conference drew a record attendance of over 7,200 mathematicians.

Dr. Jeffrey Boerner, assistant professor and Project NExT (New Experiences in Teaching) fellow, presented "The sl(3) Skein Module" in an AMS session on topology, served as a judge for the MAA Undergraduate Student Poster Session, and attended activities for Project NExT.

Boerner, who joined the faculty in 2010, earned an undergraduate degree from St. Olaf College and master's degree and Ph. D. from the University of Iowa.

Dr. Carolyn Cuff, professor, led an invited mini-course on "Teaching Introductory Statistics," designed for instructors who are new to teaching introductory statistics.  The workshop presented statistical concepts, assessment techniques, and classroom materials.  Cuff also attended an officers' meeting as an appointed member of the MAA's Committee for SIGMAAs, the overseers of special interest groups within the MAA.

Cuff, a Westminster graduate who joined the faculty in 1989, earned a master's degree and Ph.D. from Case Western Reserve University.

Dr. David Offner, assistant professor and Project NExT fellow, presented "Cops and Robber on the Hypercube" in an MAA session on graph theory, served as a judge for the Undergraduate Student Poster Session, and attended Project NExT activities.

Offner, who has been with Westminster since 2009, earned an undergraduate degree from Yale University and Ph.D. from Carnegie Mellon University.

Dr. Pamela Richardson, assistant professor, served as a mentor in a day-long Graduate Education Mentoring workshop for female mathematics graduate students.  As a member of the MAA's Committee on Undergraduate Student Activities and Chapters, Richardson attended meetings and helped conduct the Undergraduate Student Poster Session, an event that included nearly 500 undergraduate research participants.

Richardson, who has been with Westminster since 2006, earned an undergraduate degree from Bowling Green State University and Ph.D. from the University of Virginia.

Dr. Barbara Faires, professor emerita who serves as MAA's elected secretary, prepared scripts, agendas, and citations for many sessions and conducted meetings of various MAA groups.

Contact Richardson at (724) 946-7286 or email for additional information.

Dr. Jeffrey Boerner
Dr. Carolyn Cuff
Dr. David Offner
Dr. Pamela Richardson
Dr. Barbara Faires