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Environmental Science Program to Host Guest Speakers Feb. 7

Posted on Thursday, January 26, 2012

The Westminster College Environmental Science Program will host speakers on "Protecting Our Watersheds: Combining Advances in Materials Science and Bioretention Systems to Purify Stormwater, Reduce Infrastructure Costs, and Beautify Landscapes" Tuesday, Feb. 7, at 6 p.m. in Phillips Lecture Hall of the Hoyt Science Resources Center.  The event is free and open to the public.

The speakers, Deanna Pickett, director of remediation, and John Houck, sales lead for rain gardens and bioretention, are with ABSMaterials, Inc., a water treatment company that has developed Osorb®, a swellable glass used to pull contaminates from water.

Rain gardens are used to decrease the damaging effects of high-volume stormwater flows that would otherwise cause downstream flooding and erosion issues.  Osorb®-enhanced rain gardens can capture and remediate hydrocarbons, chlorinated volatile organics, herbicides, nutrients, and pharmaceuticals.

Dr. Paul Edmiston, co-founder and chief science officer of ABSMaterials, Inc. will also be visiting campus to speak to chemistry classes on "Nano-Engineered Sorbents for Water Purification."

Contact Dr. Helen Boylan, associate professor of chemistry and coordinator of the Environmental Science Program, at (724) 946-6293 or email for additional information.

Deanna Pickett
John Houck
Dr. Paul Edmiston