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"Get Real!" Series Presents Session on World Events

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Posted on Thursday, March 1, 2012

Westminster College's "Get Real!" life preparation series will present "World Events and You" Tuesday, March 13, at 12:45 p.m. in the Witherspoon Lakeview Room of McKelvey Campus Center.

Presented by Dr. Neal Edman, vice president for student affairs and dean of students, and Dr. David Twining, professor of history, the session will present some "front-burner" issues and how they directly affect students now and after graduation.  Topics include: gay marriage, the European debt crisis, social media and the case of Susan B. Komen, class warfare, Citizens United, the Arab Spring, and more.  The lunchtime program is limited to the first 25 Westminster students to register.

One additional session, "First Year on the Job," is scheduled for this semester on March 27.

Sponsored by the Office of Student Affairs, the "Get Real!" series is a program that acquaints students with life after college.  It provides helpful advice on financial planning; banking; medical care; consumer and personal legal matters; apartment, auto, and house hunting; getting the most out of leisure activities; and preparing for lifelong relationships.

Email Get Real! for additional information.