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Bleasby Colloquium to Host Guest Speaker

Posted on Thursday, March 8, 2012

Westminster College's Bleasby Colloquium will host Dr. Jean Jones for "Rigoberta Menchú: Finding Your Voice" Thursday, March 15, at 7 p.m. in McKelvey Campus Center's Sebastian Mueller Theater.  The program is free and open to the public.

Jones, who is professor of rhetoric and communication and director of the Honors Program at Edinboro University of Pennsylvania, will discuss her recent travels to Guatemala and the work of Nobel Peace Prize winner Rigoberta Menchú.

Menchú used the Nobel Prize's monetary award to establish a foundation to fight for the rights of indigenous people, defend and promote human rights, and speak out against human rights abuses in Guatemala and elsewhere.

Jones' interests cover rhetorical theory, political theory, interpersonal communication, and gender theory.  Her recent publications include the 2011 edition of the textbook Persuasion in Society with Henry Simons; the article "Tales of a Texas Cynic: Theodore O. Windt Jr. Remembered" in Communication Quarterly; and the novel Lucifer State.

This colloquium is part of the George Bleasby Colloquia, a series of literary events in honor of the late Dr. Bleasby, who chaired the Department of English at Westminster from 1954-75.  These programs are public presentations by the faculty of the department, featured speakers, and majors on individual scholarship, interests, and creative projects.

Contact Dr. Brittany Rowe-Cernevicius, Westminster assistant professor of public relations, at (724) 946-6024 or email for additional information.

Dr. Jean Jones