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Mathematics and Computer Science Department Holds Annual Recognition and Awards Dinner

Posted on Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Westminster College's Mathematics and Computer Science Department held its annual recognition and awards banquet March 20 in McKelvey Campus Center's Witherspoon Lakeview Room.

Opening comments were given by Dr. Terri Lenox, associate professor of computer science and chair of Westminster's Department of Mathematics and Computer Science. 

Graduating seniors were recognized and departmental awards and scholarships were presented following dinner.  Assisting Lenox in the presentations were Westminster faculty: James Anthony, visiting mathematics lecturer; Dr. Jeffrey Boerner, assistant professor of mathematics; Dr. John Bonomo, associate professor of computer science; Dr. Carolyn Cuff, professor of mathematics; Dr. Natacha Fontes-Merz, associate professor of mathematics; Dr. David Offner, assistant professor of mathematics; and Dr. Pamela Richardson, assistant professor of mathematics.

Honored guests included: Dr. Warren Hickman, Westminster professor of mathematics emeritus and scholarship namesake, and his wife Lucinda, and Dr. Beverly Michael, a Westminster alumna and namesake of a scholarship that was presented for the first time.

Contact Lenox at (724) 946-7289 or email for additional information.

Peter Barber
Anthony Caratelli
(L-r) Lucinda Hickman, Dr. Warren Hickman, Gregory Clark
Lisa Kaylor (l) and Jenna Huston
Connor MacKenzie (l) and Brandon Mosley