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Fraternity to Host Annual Relay for Life

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Posted on Wednesday, March 28, 2012

The Alpha Nu chapter of national fraternity Alpha Sigma Phi will host the annual Westminster College Relay for Life Saturday, May 5, from 10 a.m.-10 p.m. at Burry Stadium.

Held in conjunction with the American Cancer Society, the goal of this year's fundraiser is $27,000, according to overall chair Cody Donaldson

"We organize Relay because we have all been impacted in some way by cancer," Donaldson said.  "I have lost family and friends to the disease and this is my way to fight back."

Donaldson estimates the Alpha Sigma Phi brothers will invest over 1,000 man-hours to organize and conduct the walk event.

In addition to the daylong walk, participants can take advantage of the games, music, survivors' lap, and survivors' dinner by registering online, visiting a local American Cancer Society office, or emailing Donaldson.  Those who wish to donate but are unable to attend may make their gifts online.

Alpha Sigma Phi, founded at Yale University in 1845, established the Westminster chapter in 1939.  The fraternity aims to be the co-curricular organization of choice for discerning undergraduate men through the provision of an enriching brotherhood experience and a full range of character and leadership development opportunities.

Email Donaldson for additional information.