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Westminster College Associate Professor to Perform Faculty Compositions

Posted on Tuesday, September 18, 2012

NEW WILMINGTON, Pa. - Dr. Nancy DeSalvo, Westminster College associate professor of music, will be a performing a unique piano recital of music composed by Westminster faculty Sept. 23 at 3 p.m. in Orr Auditorium.

DeSalvo will be performing "Sonata for Piano" by Dr. Daniel Perttu, assistant professor of music theory and composition; and "Sonata No. 2 for Piano," written for DeSalvo by Dr. Jason Howard, visiting assistant professor of music. She will also perform "Traffic" by area composer Judy Bruce.

DeSalvo, a Steinway Artist, teaches piano, accompanying, and music theory; performs solo recitals; accompanies visiting guest artists; and travels extensively as a professional accompanying pianist and chamber music collaborator.  Guest solo appearances have included performances with the Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra.  A member of the Westminster faculty since 1991, DeSalvo earned an undergraduate degree from Youngstown State University, master's degree from Manhattan School of Music, and doctorate from The Cleveland Institute of Music.

Perttu, who joined the Westminster faculty in 2008, is the music theory program coordinator.  He earned an undergraduate degree from Williams College, two masters from Kent State University, and doctorate from Ohio State University.  His compositions have been performed regionally, nationally, and internationally in arts festivals, concerts, conferences, and solo recitals. 

Howard, who teaches music theory, applied composition, and applied cello, has been with Westminster since 2007.  He earned undergraduate and master's degrees from Youngstown State University and Ph.D. from Kent State University.

Contact DeSalvo at (724) 946-7023 or email for additional information.

Dr. Nancy DeSalvo, associate professor of music
Dr. Daniel Perttu, assistant professor of music theory and composition
Dr. Jason Howard, visiting assistant professor of music