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Jesse Ligo, Jr. '82 Earns Westminster Audio Visual Service and Support Award

Posted on Tuesday, October 23, 2012

NEW WILMINGTON, Pa. - Jesse Ligo, Jr., professor of accounting and a 1982 Westminster College graduate, earned Westminster College's 2012 Audio Visual (AV) Service and Support Award.  The award celebrates outstanding service and/or support by a Westminster alumnus.

In addition to being a licensed certified public accountant since 1985, Ligo has been the owner and operator of Drove Pasture Farm, a crop and beef farm in Mercer, since 1991. His love of working the land and running his own business has allowed him a unique opportunity to bring real world experience into his classroom and to share with a wide range of students what it takes to be successful in any type of business.

However, his farm and home are more than just an example of a successful business to his students. Many current and former students can recount fond memories of home-cooked meals and life-changing discussions at the farm, his genuine interest in their lives beyond the classroom, and offers of a place to stay for Thanksgiving if a student couldn't make it home for the holiday.

"Professor Ligo has proven to be an invaluable member to the Westminster College community. His constant care, admiration and appreciation for students, fellow faculty members and Westminster College overall, sets him apart," said Ryan Bruckner '12.  "Professor Ligo has always shown an inclination to advance Westminster's reputation through his full-hearted influence on students.  Ultimately, the impact from his enduring commitment to the student body and Westminster community will be felt for a long time."

"I am invariably amazed by the passion he brings to his classes and the compassion he shows for his students," said Dr. Dan Fischmar, Westminster professor of economics and business. "His program of guest lectures opens a view of the accounting world that no textbook can offer. Jesse's down-to-earth, modest personality masks a razor-sharp intellect. He is that rare individual whose every encounter leaves the world, or at least the Westminster world, a far better place."

"Jesse Ligo embodies service and support excellence in every facet of his life," noted Director of AV Services, Gary Swanson (‘88). "While our department continually strives to achieve that level of excellence, the winners of this award inspire us to perform service above self through their commitment to the college's mission long after their graduation."

Ligo, who joined the Westminster faculty in 2008, earned an undergraduate degree in business administration from Westminster and a master's from Bowling Green State University. In addition to teaching, Ligo serves as an accounting internship advisor, Student Life and Athletic Council committee member, and is involved with the college's Ever Higher Campaign. He is also active in the community, serving as a church volunteer, and as a board member and secretary/treasurer for the Penn State Mercer County Cooperative Extension.

Ligo and his wife, Amy Klipa Ligo '84, live in Mercer and are the parents of two sons. Rich graduated from Westminster in 2012 with a degree in mathematics and is currently attending the University of Iowa in the masters/doctoral program. Joe is a junior at Westminster majoring in broadcast communications.

The Service and Support award is open to all qualifying Westminster alumni and is one of the highlight events of the college's annual AV WEEK celebration.  Previous honorees include 2009 winner Betsy Nolan Sieg '07, purchasing manager for Metro Bank; 2010 winner Todd Hervey '94, award-winning special projects director/editor at Fuel Creative, Inc.; 2011 winner Dr. Dar Huey '74, professor of education, former director of the college's graduate program, and a former defensive coach for Titan football teams.

Contact AV at (724) 946-7188 or email for additional information.

Contact Ligo at (724) 946-7167 or email for additional information.

Jesse Ligo, Jr., professor of accounting