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Westminster College Mortar Board Chapter Receives National Award

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Posted on Monday, November 12, 2012

NEW WILMINGTON, Pa. - The Mortar Board Target chapter at Westminster College was among the outstanding Mortar Board chapters to be recognized at the 2012 Mortar Board National Conference in Chicago in July.

The Target chapter received the Silver Torch Award. This honor is presented to chapters executing timeliness and dedication while exemplifying the ideals of scholarship, leadership and service. Silver Torch Award recipients are selected based on a review of national records, requiring that the chapter meet all of the national minimum standards and deadlines.

Mortar Board is the premier national honor society recognizing college students for outstanding achievement in scholarship, leadership and service. Since its founding in 1918, the Society has grown from four to 229 chartered collegiate chapters with more than 250,000 members across the nation. The Target chapter at Westminster College was chartered in 1955 and currently has 40 members.

"The students in Mortarboard work very hard to achieve success both in the classroom and in giving back to the community," said Jamie Kohler, faculty adviser for the Target chapter. "They are a wonderful group and deserve the honor of this award."

Chapter president Gregory Zivkovich was present to accept the chapter's award. Zivkovich, a senior political science major, is a son of Mark and Mary Zivkovich of Pittsburgh and a graduate of Shaler Area High School.

Mortar Board provides opportunities for continued leadership development, promotes service to colleges and universities and encourages lifelong contributions to the global community. Some notable Mortar Board members include pioneering engineer Lillian Gilbreth, Pulitzer Prize-winning author Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings, Emmy-winning actor Rue McClanahan, astronauts Judith Resnik and Janice Voss, adventurer Aron Ralston and lifestyle expert Bruce Littlefield.

Learn more about Mortar Board here.

Contact Kohler at (724) 946-6703 or email for additional information.