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Westminster Students Attend Supreme Court Session

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Posted on Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Several Westminster College students recently toured the nation's capital and attended the Supreme Court's public session.

"We actually heard an important decision," said Russell Mills, a senior political science major from Pittsburgh.  "It was about investment retirement accounts and how the courts cannot seize them when a person declares bankruptcy."

"The students were free Saturday and Sunday to explore the city," said Dr. Edward Cohen, associate professor of political science and chair of Law PAC.  "They visited a variety of places including the Holocaust Museum, the National Cathedral, and the National Gallery of Art.  Some also explored the Lincoln Memorial, the Vietnam Veterans Memorial, the World War II Memorial, and the Jefferson Memorial.  Thirteen of the students and I took a tour of the Capitol building.  We were escorted by a staff member from Congresswoman Melissa Hart's office."

The trip was sponsored by Westminster's Pre-Law Association and Law PAC.  For more information, contact Cohen at (724) 946-7304 or e-mail