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Westminster College Features a Weekend of Instrumental Concerts

Posted on Friday, April 15, 2005

The Westminster College Wind Ensemble and Symphonic Band will perform a joint spring concert to "Celebrate the Seniors" Friday, April 29, at 7:30 p.m. in Orr Auditorium.  The Westminster Jazz Ensemble will perform Saturday, April 30, at 7:30 p.m. in the Berlin Lounge, which is located in the McKelvey Campus Center.

The concerts are under the baton of Dr. R. Tad Greig, director of bands at Westminster College. 

"The Wind Ensemble and Symphonic Band combined concert features a wide variety of outstanding literature for both groups," Greig said.  "We will also feature Dr. Nancy Zipay-DeSalvo [chair and assistant professor of music] on a wonderful work for 24 winds and piano titled Introduction and Capriccio' from the pen of John Barnes Chance.  We will also have a premiere.  I contracted composer Cormac Cannon to take the Westminster Hymn,' our Alma Mater, and re-arrange it for our ensemble.  He has done a wonderful job, and the combined band will perform this newly arranged Westminster Hymn' at the conclusion of the concert."

The Wind Ensemble will also play Michael Torke's Grand Central Station,' David Stanhpe's  Folksongs Set #3,' Eric Whitacre's Sleep,' and Philip Parker's Clowns.'

The Symphonic Band will open with Robert Sheldon's Danse Celestiale," and continue with Richard Saucedo's Sure on This Shining Light,' Claude Smith's Concert Variations,' Mark Camphouse's Yosemite Autumn,' and John Philip Sousa's Sabre and Spurs.'

Saturday night's performance of the Jazz Ensemble will feature Katherine Duncan, a senior English and music major from Indiana, singing Almost Like Being in Love.' 

"We will also feature our new saxophone instructor, Jim Flowers, in the Thad Jones, Mel Lewis classic Big Dipper,' Greig said.  "The ensemble will perform music from Chic Corea, Count Basie, and more."

The events are free and open to the public.  For more information, contact Greig at (724) 946-7279 or e-mail

Wind Ensemble
Symphonic Band