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Westminster College Fraternities and Sororities Raised More Than $19,000 and Collected Nearly 5,000 Items During Greek Week

Posted on Thursday, May 2, 2013

NEW WILMINGTON, Pa. - Westminster College's fraternities and sororities raised more than $19,000 in money and Student Government Association (SGA) collected nearly 5,000 food, clothing, toys, and other items during Greek Week 2013.

Penny Wars resulted in an $18,000 donation to Cystic Fibrosis Foundation in honor of Claire Hartner, daughter of Eric and Kelly Hartner, Westminster enterprise network manager.

Throughout the week, Westminster's SGA Service Committee collected nearly 5,000 food, clothing, and hygiene items and toys for the Lawrence County Community Action Partnership in New Castle.  The drive was organized by SGA Service Chair Christy Basso.

The sisters of Zeta Tau Alpha sorority collected donations at "Sing 'n Swing."  The crowd donated $1,500 to Royal Family Kids' Camp.

"Sing 'n Swing" also included awards to fraternities, sororities, and individuals:

  • Most Valuable Player award - Olivia Bonavita from Sigma Kappa sorority and Dan Bishop from Alpha Sigma Phi fraternity
  • Chairs Choice award - Leigha Zangaro from Alpha Gamma Delta sorority and JaQuan Madison from Alpha Sigma Phi fraternity
  • Sing 'n Swing winners - Kappa Delta sorority and Alpha Sigma Phi fraternity
  • Greek Week winners - Alpha Gamma Delta sorority and Sigma Phi Epsilon fraternity
  • Greek Advisor of the Year - Dr. Jacque King, assistant professor of business and adviser to Sigma Nu fraternity
  • Scholarship award - Sigma Kappa sorority with a 3.525 grade point average and Theta Chi fraternity with a 3.253 grade point average
  • Spirit award - Phi Mu sorority and Phi Kappa Tau fraternity
  • Sportsmanship award - Sigma Kappa sorority and Alpha Sigma Phi fraternity
  • Greek God and Goddess - Brittany Gamble from Phi Mu sorority and Jeffrey Finafrock from Theta Chi fraternity 

The week's activities were coordinated by Greek Week Chairs Julian Martinez and Jenna Meighen and assistant chairs Rachel Gibbs and Evan Patterson.

Contact Gina Vance at for additional information. 

Sing `n Swing
Sing `n Swing