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Westminster College Preschool Lab Celebrates National Week of the Young Child

Posted on Tuesday, May 7, 2013

NEW WILMINGTON, Pa. - The Westminster College Preschool Lab celebrated the Week of the Young Child April 14-20 with a variety of activities to honor young children and those who make a difference in children's lives.

Week of the Young Child is a time to recognize the importance of early learning, to identify the needs of young children, and to bring the community together to help give all young children a great start in life. Parents, teachers, caregivers, and other adults play important roles in the lives of young children. Week of the Young Child celebrates their efforts by sponsoring several events, guest readers, and guest speakers throughout the month of April. 

Activities included:

  • Parent Night at the Outdoor Biology Field Station of Westminster College hosted by the preschool parent representatives Jennifer Matyasovsky and Nora Boerner
  • Westminster College President Dr. Richard Dorman, guest reader
  • New Wilmington Mayor Wendell Wagner, guest reader
  • Carmen Piccirillo, New Wilmington chief of police, guest speaker
  • Lawrence County Blind Association presented "See Well Bunny" puppet show
  • Visit to the Wilmington Area School District kindergarten classrooms
  • Artwork displayed in New Wilmington Post Office, First National Bank and McKelvey Campus Center at Westminster College

The Westminster College Preschool Lab is accredited by the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) and follows its guidelines for best practices in early childhood education.  NAEYC has been a leader in the call for quality early childhood experiences for young children and began celebrating Week of the Young Child in 1971.

Contact Deborah Roud, head teacher at the Preschool Lab, at (724) 946-7174 or visit for additional information about Westminster's Preschool Lab.  Visit for more information about Week of the Young Child.

President Dr. Richard Dorman reading to preschoolers.