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Westminster College Director of Graduate School Published in UCEA Review

Posted on Wednesday, July 3, 2013

NEW WILMINGTON, Pa. - Dr. Robert Zorn `64, director of Westminster College's Graduate School, had an article published in the summer edition of the University Council for Educational Administration (UCEA) Review.

"Westminster College's Graduate School Goes Blended Learning" discussed Westminster's program style of blending the traditional face-to-face classes with assignments completed online, and the benefits of the program, including: creativity in students fostered by encouraging discovery across a wide range of resources; self-pacing by students allows them to progress at varying rates within the time parameters set for the course; and learning is flexible, and at times more convenient for students.

"Blended learning provides students with the flexibility to accommodate the myriad demands they have on their time today," Zorn said. "It enables them to better utilize  their time for and their focus on learning as they have more control over their time on task, more choice of where and when their learning takes place, and more to say about the pace at which their learning occurs. Location is key in that student learning is not restricted to campus classrooms, libraries, labs, or other brick-and-mortar buildings."

Zorn served as the coordinator of the educational administration program in Westminster College's graduate program from January 2012 until he was appointed as director in April. He was the superintendent of Poland, Ohio, schools for more than three decades and has been with Westminster since 1986. In addition to overseeing the graduate school, Zorn teaches courses for those pursuing licensing as school superintendents and principals.

Zorn earned his undergraduate degree from Kent State University, a master's from Westminster, and a Ph.D. from the University of Pittsburgh. He also completed post-doctoral studies from the National Academy for School Executives in Washington, D.C., and from Harvard University.

The Graduate Program at Westminster College is designed for professionals who seek further professional development.  The master of education degree is offered in education, English, and history.  Additionally, the Graduate Program offers courses of study that lead to certification and/or licensure as a school counselor, K-12 principal, superintendent, and reading specialist. Visit for more information.

Contact Zorn at (724) 946-7055 or email for additional information.

Dr. Robert Zorn `64, director of graduate program