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Theatre Westminster Presents "Dancing at Lughnasa"

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Posted on Friday, April 22, 2005

The cast and crew of Theatre Westminster presents "Dancing at Lughnasa" Thursday to Saturday, April 28-30, at 7:30 p.m. and Sunday, May 1, at 2:30 p.m. in Beeghly Theater.

"This is a story of the Mundy sisters, living in rural Donegal County Ireland in 1936," said Eileen Hendrickson, director and visiting instructor of theatre.  "The play explores the plight and joys of being a woman in Ireland at this time."

Hendrickson describes the plot as a young boy telling the story of growing up in a fatherless home with his unmarried mother and four spinster aunts in 1930s Ireland.  Each of the five women, different from the other in temperament and capability, is the emotional support system, although at times reluctantly, for each other, with the eldest assuming the role of a somewhat meddling' overseer.  But then into this comes an elderly brother, a priest too senile to perform his clerical functions, who has come home to die' after a lifetime in Africa; as well, there also arrives the boy's father, riding up on a motorcycle, only to announce that he's on his way to Spain to fight against Franco.  Nevertheless, life goes on for the five sisters, although undeniably affected by the presence of the two men, they continue to cope as a close-knit unit, until something happens that disrupts the very fabric of that cohesiveness beyond repair.

Tickets can be obtained by calling the box office at (724) 946-7241.

Contact Hendrickson at (724) 946-7237 or e-mail for more information.