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Westminster College International Film Series Announces Fall Semester Schedule

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Posted on Friday, September 20, 2013

NEW WILMINGTON, Pa. - Westminster College's Jake Erhardt International Film Series will kick off the fall semester with the 2011 French film The Intouchables at 7 p.m. Tuesday, Sept. 24, in the Sebastian Mueller Theater of McKelvey Campus Center.

The film follows an aristocrat, who after becoming a quadriplegic from a paragliding accident, hires a young man from the projects to be his caretaker.

Additional films on the fall schedule include the 2000 Danish film Italian for Beginners on Oct. 15 and the 2010 Swedish film The Sound of Noise on Nov. 19.  Additional information on all films is available at

All events are free and open to the public. 

The International Film Series is named in honor of its founder, Dr. Jacob Erhardt, professor of German emeritus at Westminster College.  Erhardt, who taught at Westminster from 1968 until his retirement in 2004, served as chair of his department from 1970-1986, was named the Language Educator of the Year by the Pennsylvania State Modern Languages Association, translated into English Robert Reitzel's Adventures of a Greenhorn, and was recognized by the National Endowment for the Humanities as an outstanding member.

Contact Dr. Suzanne Prestien, Westminster associate professor of English and public relations, at 724-946-7029 or email for more information.