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Westminster Senior to Give Voice Recital April 30

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Posted on Monday, April 25, 2005

Rachel Varine, a senior music performance major, will give a voice recital Saturday, April 30, at 3 p.m. in Wallace Memorial Chapel.

The program includes Handel's "Care Selve," and "Piangero la sorte mia," Duparc's "Chnason triste," Faure's "Fleur jetee," Puccini's "Un bel di," Head's "The Singer," Strauss' "Foxgloves," Schubert's "Gretchen am Spinnrade," Honigsberg's "Maria durch ein Donwald ging," Hundley's "My Master Hath a Garden," and Gershwin's "Summertime."  Varine will also sing "The Flower Duet" with Katherine Duncan, a senior music and English major from Indiana.  The singers will be accompanied by Jeff Wachter, an adjunct member of the piano faculty.

Varine, a daughter of John and Gail Varine, Vandergrift, is a graduate of Leechburg Area High School.  She is a member of the Westminster College Concert Choir and Chamber Singers.  While at Westminster, Varine has performed in four musicals and three operas, playing the role of Suzanne in "Suzanne's Secret," Gretel in "Hansel and Gretel," and Carmen in "The Legend of Carmen." 

The event is free and open to the public.  Contact the Westminster College Department of Music at (724) 946-7270 for more information.