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Two Westminster College Seniors to Perform Recital May 3

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Posted on Monday, April 25, 2005

Benjamin Sands, a senior music major, and Cassandra Walker, a senior elementary education and music major, will perform a joint recital Tuesday, May 3, at 7:30 p.m. in Wallace Memorial Chapel.

Performing on the trumpet, Sands will play Hummel's "Concerto in Eb Major" and Arutunian's "Concerto for Trumpet in Bb."  He will be accompanied by pianist Kathryn Miller, an adjunct music professor at Westminster. 

Sands, a son of Jeffrey and Deborah Sands, Rogersville, is a graduate of West Green High School, Rogersville.  During his time at Westminster College, Sands has held principal trumpet in the Wind Ensemble, the Symphonic Band, Jazz Band and Brass Quintet.  He was also the trumpet section leader for the marching band and a member of the orchestra.  Sands has performed for the musicals "Crazy for You" and "Kiss Me Kate," and the opera workshop productions of "Hansel and Gretel" and "When the Lights Go Down."  He has attended three Pennsylvania Intercollegiate Band festivals.

Walker will perform her recital on the French horn and will be accompanied by pianist Brian Knarr.  Her program includes Bakaleinikoff's "Canzona," Koechlin's "Sonate, op.70," and Hindemith's "Sonata for Horn in F."

Walker, a daughter of Lewis and June Walker, McDonald, is a graduate of West Allegheny High School.  While at Westminster, she has performed with the Wind Ensemble, Symphonic Band, Marching Band, Woodwind Quintet, Horn Ensemble, and Brass Ensemble.  She was president of the Titan Marching Band and is currently president of the Symphonic Band.  Walker has performed for the musicals "Crazy for You" and "Kiss Me Kate," and played for the opera workshop production of "Hansel and Gretel."  She also attended the Pennsylvania Intercollegiate Band Festival.

The event is free and open to the public.  Contact the Westminster College Department of Music at (724) 946-7270 for more information.