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Westminster Professor & Student Give Joint Talk on Research

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Posted on Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Dr. Jamie McMinn, assistant professor of psychology, and Lisa Santoriella, a senior psychology major at Westminster College, will present their joint research at the Midwestern Psychological Association meeting in Chicago May 5-7.

"Lisa and I will present a multimedia presentation of The Dynamic Relationship Between Entitativity and Social Identification in Ingroups and Outgroups,'" McMinn said.  "We will present data from my dissertation that was followed up by Lisa in her senior Capstone project.  We focused on how members' perceptions of their own group's groupiness' or realness differs in natural groups across time.  Our results suggest that how socially identified sorority members are with their own groups, the more real or groupy they come to see their groups later on.  Also, people tend to see their own groups as more real than groups to which they do not belong."

McMinn, who been with Westminster College since 2003, earned his undergraduate degree from Emory & Henry College, and his master's and Ph.D. from the University of Pittsburgh.

Santoriella is a daughter of Michael and Better Santoriella, South Euclid, Ohio, and a graduate of Beaumont School for Girls.

Contact McMinn at (724) 946-7121 or e-mail for more information.