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Westminster College Plans Senior Week Events

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Posted on Monday, May 2, 2005

Classes are finished, finals are in, and now is the time for the Westminster College Senior Week Celebration.

From Monday, May 9, through Saturday, May 14, the class of 2005 has the opportunity to join in a variety of fun events.

The week kicks off Monday with a "For Seniors Only" dinner at Duff Dining Room from 4:45-5:15 p.m. and then off on the bus for an evening of fun at Tulley's from 8 p.m.-midnight.  Wednesday at 10 a.m. the buses leave again for a day of fun at Cedar Point.  Thursday, all seniors are invited to the President's Brunch from 11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. at President Williamson's home.  Friday, the senior class will begin with a commencement practice at 10:30 a.m. followed by the senior class picnic with the Board of Trustees, where the class will officially present their senior class gift.  Friday evening a bus will take the students to a Pirates game complete with a Pirate cap to help keep everyone in the competitive spirit. 

Finally Saturday, May 14, the day the Class of 2005 has all been waiting for, baccalaureate at 10:30, and after a picnic on the quad, commencement on the senior terrace at 2:30 p.m.

All events require pre-registration  Contact Camille Hawthorne, associate dean of student affairs at (724) 946-7112 or e-mail for more information.