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Employees Honored for Years of Service

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Posted on Friday, July 11, 2014

Westminster College honored 50 employees for 937 years of combined service at a campus luncheon in May.

Employees who are retiring are: Donna Buchowski, Sodexo Dining Services, after 44 years; Fern Layton, Sodexo Dining Services, after 41 years; Dr. Robin Lind, associate professor of music and director of choral activities, after 14 years; Dr. Camila Bari Lopez, professor of Spanish, after 17 years; JoeAnn Miller, executive secretary to the president, after 23 years; Dee Natale, English and public relations lecturer, after 13 years; D. Scott Renninger, professor of physical education, after 36 years; and Paul Wallace, director of information systems, after 33 years.

Those honored for years of service were:

45 years - Janet Gault, cook for Sodexo Dining Services.

30 years - John Gerber, boiler man; Patricia Hammer, academic records processor in the registrar's office; Colleen Hannon, associate registrar; Dr. Jesse Mann, professor of French; and Wendell Shelenberger, night lead custodian.

25 years - Dr. Carolyn Cuff, professor of mathematics; James Dafler, director of athletics; Kay Galanski, bookstore supervisor; Thomas McMahon, administrative systems coordinator in information systems; Kenneth Rotar, custodian; and John Turk, custodian.

20 years - Gabriella Budai, executive secretary in academic affairs; Connie Davis, interlibrary loan specialist; Ernest Fobes, locksmith; Kelly Hartner, enterprise network manager in information systems; Dr. Bryan Rennie, professor of religion and philosophy; and Tom Taylor, director of institutional grants and development research.

15 years - Don Goodlin, telecommunications network engineer; Regene King, assistant director of financial aid; Dr. Terri Lenox, professor of computer science; Darlene McCoy, secretary in the psychology department and preschool; Merrianne McGill, associate director of advancement services; Lori Micsky, chemical hygiene officer; Dr. Suzanne Prestien, associate professor of English and public relations; Regina Sharbaugh, assistant to the director of the Drinko Center; and Linda Travers, secretary in the Department of Modern Languages and the Department of Communication Studies, Theatre and Art.

10 years - Dr. Patricia Clark, associate professor of history; Dr. Keith Corso, assistant professor of communications; Lisa Craig, public safety officer; Dr. Beverly Cushman, associate professor of religion; Wendy Davis, secretary in athletics and physical education; Diane Drabick, technical assistant in McGill Library; Dr. Natacha Fontes Merz, associate professor of mathematics; Sharon Kelly, head cashier; Carey Anne LaSor, Young Presbyterian Scholars coordinator and assistant to the chaplain; the Rev. James Mohr, chaplain; Dr. Sherri Pataki, associate professor of psychology; Kenneth Romig, vice president for finance and management services; Lori Shaffer, secretary in academic affairs; David Smith, associate professor of accounting; and Jonathan Smith, web services coordinator.

Contact Kim Christofferson, director of human resources, at 724-946-7247 or email for more information.