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Mathematics and Computer Science Majors Participated in Professional Summer Experiences

Posted on Thursday, September 11, 2014

Seven Westminster College mathematics and computer science majors completed summer work experiences related to their field of study, including academic research, industry and information services on and off campus.

Charles Cratty, a junior mathematics major, worked at Valparaiso University in the Valparaiso Experience in Research for Undergraduate Mathematicians (VERUM).  He teamed with a faculty adviser and two other undergraduates on pattern avoidance within structured, repeating permutations called double lists.  As part of the program, he attended an international conference on pattern avoidance; presented and displayed his research at the Indiana Research Experience for Undergraduates conference; and presented the group's work to the Valparaiso faculty and staff.

Cratty is a son of Donald and Natascha Cratty of Butler and a graduate of Slippery Rock Area High School.

Blake Dulick, a junior computer information systems major, worked for Blackhawk School District's information technology department for the fourth consecutive year.  His tasks included imaging computers with a variety of operating systems; installing and managing networking equipment (switches and ethernet cabling, printers/copy machines and audio visual systems); proper disposal of unwanted equipment; and assisting with the installation of a new phone system.

Dulick is a son of David and Angela Dulick of Beaver Falls and a graduate of Blackhawk High School.

Michael Girata, a senior mathematics major, completed an internship at IBM's Client Center for Advance Analytics in Columbus, Ohio, working on client projects focused on predictive analytics and modeling.  His projects included predicting when machinery on an assembly line would fail for an automotive manufacturer; predicting the winning quote price for a chemical distributor; and creating campaigns for a retailer to focus marketing efforts on customers most likely to purchase a particular product.  As a result of the internship, Girata was offered a job with IBM upon graduation.

Girata is a son of John and Bernadette Girata of Monaca and a graduate of Central Valley High School.

Nicholas Hainsey, a senior computer science and mathematics major, participated in a fellowship at Carnegie Mellon University's Heinz College.  Two of the requirements were to work on a research project and to take two seven-week courses on innovation in the digital age and operational decision-making. Hainsey's portion of the research project was to build a smartphone app that would test touch screen gestures for the visually impaired to determine which were easier for them to use.  One benefit of the experience is the guarantee of a scholarship if he attends graduate school at the Heinz College.

Hainsey is a son of Allen and Bonnie Hainsey of New Paris and a graduate of Chestnut Ridge High School.

Mark Patton, a junior computer science and mathematics major, worked with Westminster's Library and Information Systems (LIS) website development team under the supervision of Bill Quigley, web developer, and Jonathan Smith, director of enterprise services.

Patton is a son of Thomas and Karen Patton of Edinburg and a graduate of Mohawk Area High School.

Aaron Shifflett, a sophomore computer science major, worked in the server room for Westminster's LIS department writing batch files and Excel macros and swapping backup tapes.  His supervisor was Branislav Cikel, assistant network manager.

Shifflett is a son of Marilynne Shifflett of Rockwood and a graduate of Everett Area High School.

Christijana Vucenovic, a sophomore mathematics major, worked with mathematics faculty Jim Anthony, lecturer, and Dr. Natacha Fontes-Merz, associate professor, to conduct research to determine if there was a significant difference between the fractal dimension of a cancerous cell versus that of a non-cancerous cell.  Based on statistics, the team concluded there is a significant difference.

Vucenovic is a daughter of Bob and Evelyn Vucenovic of West Middlesex and a graduate of West Middlesex Area High School.

Contact Dr. Terri Lenox, professor and chair of Westminster's Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, at 724-946-7289 or email for more information.

Charles Cratty (l)
Blake Dulick
Michael Girata
Nicholas Hainsey
Mark Patton